if you're into big shoot em' up sci-fi, this ain't it.... it's one some would clasify as 'hard-sci-fi'.... something a bit more cerebral.... and i would tend to agree.... there's no acid spitting aliens or giant smurfs riding dinosaurs.... it's all about atmosphere and a good story.... which is all you can really hope for in a good piece of filmaking.... nothing more, nothing less.... i've been hearing about this for a long time and i was excited to see it, as i'm a fan of Sam Rockwell.... the man just makes good movies.... case in point, 'Choke'.... go rent it if you haven't already.... (fron the writer of 'Fight Club'....)....
this isn't a movie that's probably going to make it too far into the mainstream.... it's minimalistic and sparse.... the story is fairly simple, but grows more complicated at the movie progresses.... and nothing is more telling of good storytelling is to not have everything given away all up front.... this builds tension and reveals things little by little so as to peak your interest and keep you intrigued.... it also is more about character development than big budget special effects and loud noises.... and that's on the of the things i love about this film.... the chance to enjoy a good storyline set in space.... not a movie in space with good special effects.... and no storyline....
i don't want to give up too much information about the story.... but we'll just say that Sam Rockwell is a man on the moon manning a base for a set number of years.... with the promise of returning home at the end of his tenure.... however, as things progress, we find out that things just aren't that simple.... and as they progress even farther.... things just get flat out complicated.... it's worth the investment of your time to enjoy all the twists and turns....
the effects are good, as minimal as they are.... the acting is great, as always.... the story is unique and original.... the director is David Bowies son.... i could go on and on, but the point is that you need to see this film.... it's time you won't regret spending.... but i will warn you to invest the time wisely.... pay attention and lose yourself in the story.... otherwise, it may just not have the same impact.....
all in all, a solid 4 out of 5 stars.... one of my favorite recent sci-fi films.... i was engrossed in it from beginning to end and felt satisfied after it ended.... it's worth the price of admission.... so run out and pick this one up.... it's available to rent just about everywhere and is for those of you who are tired of the old sci-fi standards.... granted it's not scary by any means.... it's not that kind of movie.... but it has it's tense moments and sad ones....
go get it and we'll talk about it later.... it raises a lot of questions and does it's best to answer them all, but i still found myself thinking about this movie long after it ended.... it's just that good.... enjoy....!
if you enjoy this movie, check out: '2001: A Space Odyssey', ' Even Horizon' and 'Sunshine'
I haven't seen it, but man-oh-man have I been anxious to ever since I heard about it a year or so ago.
ReplyDeleteI'll wait to read your review. Damn.