we all know the story of the Donner party, right....? the ill-fated pioneers who had to resort to cannibalism to survive.... well, this movie ties directly in with the Donner party.... however, in this version, the Donner party are not only cannibals.... they're also murding monsters who have the blood lust to kill anyone who comes into their campsite....! that's not the history i remember.... and i'm not sure why they had to base this story on a historical event, rather than make up some similar story to fit the needs of their little horror flick.... that being said....
the plot is simple and messy.... a bunch of people go up to a cabin in the woods to have a little r&r for a while.... but the locals warn them that it's not safe up there and to turn back.... do they listen....? nope. and off they go.... once up at the cabin they re-tell the story of the Donner party and how it occured on that very mountain they were sitting on.... and soon someone shows up dead, someone goes crazy and everything turns to crap.... meanwhile a snowstorm has trapped them up there about 20 years since the last time a series of murders occured at the same cabin.... which a scrapbook in the basement explained very clearly....
the movie is not without some redeeming qualities, but they're few and far between.... one of the bad things is using Tiffany as one of the stars.... yes, THAT Tiffany.... as in former teen pop idol.... she's terrible.... and most the acting is sub par at best.... the storyline is weak, the script is delivered with nothing more than high school acting chops.... the horror is mostly ghost related.... but it's not worth the price of admission.... and by the ending of the movie, it all just felt so sloppy that i couldn't get behind it.... and i really tried.... the only thing that made me happy about this movie was the cameo by Michael Berryman of 'The Hills Have Eyes' and many other classic horror films....
2 out of 5 stars.... it's available on Netflix OnDemand.... but don't waste you're time unless you're really bored and want to see history re-written.... i'm not sorry i watched it, but i never have to see it again.... ever.
if you like this movie, see some better films like: 'Ravenous', 'The Donner Party' and 'Cannibal! The Musical'
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