I also have a dedicated page for this blog, where I put updates when new posts go up and where, hopefully, people can talk with each other about movies and other things. You can find that, here:!/pages/A-momentary-lapse-with-joel/198969670132513?sk=wall&filter=2
if you need to e-mail me to talk more about movies or have general questions.... you can use my email address from my former podcast The Awful Show.... you can send the e-mail to:
This is my cousin's blog and where I've guested with a blog post of my own and he wrote one for me as well. Good stuff.
This is my friend, Jeff's blog. He's a fellow movie reviewer and he also has a podcast with another friend, Jason. It's called 'Creepercast' and i'm sure you can guess what it's about. I've been a guest a couple of times and it's a fantastic show. You can find them on iTunes, Facebook and at the main site here:
My friend Mike has a podcast called The Tikigeeks. I've been a guest on the show and it's a damn good time. Check them out at the link provided, you won't regret it!:
A fellow reader of this blog, a regular to add comments and a good person, King Uke has a blog. Reviews written from across the pond. Good stuff! Head over there, here:
Being a big fan of horror, here is The Horror Blogger Alliance. A comprehensive site for all things horror blog releated. This link is:
If you're getting the writing bug, it all starts with a site and a desire to write. My host is I've been happy with how easy it is and it seems to be pretty popular with other bloggers. They're here:
If there is anyone that I've missed or forgotten, I'm sorry. I will be happy to add more folks to the list! Just drop me a line with the link and I'll get it up right away. The best way to get your voice heard is with cross-promotion with other like minded folks. And there are a lot folks out there with stuff to say.
Thank you, again, for all of the support. I will continue with this blog as long as I have something to write about and hopefully some people to read it.
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